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DIR / Floortime You Can Do At Home

DIR / Floortime You Can Do At Home By Dr. Anna Ho The DIR model was developed with a pool of research and expertise in child psychiatry, developmental psychology, brain science, speech language pathology and occupational therapy. There are three…

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UTH Transitional Services

United Through HOPE: Helping Others Progress and Excel Transitioning to live independently in adulthood often needs additional support as it is a complicated process. United Through HOPE (UTH) begins with social and emotional support prior to age 18 through various…

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Benefits of Karate

Importance of exercise and how karate builds self-confidence. Benefits of Karate. As the school year begins, parents of children with disabilities coordinate their busy schedule of therapies and school along with enrolling them in a sport and recreational activities. What…

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Summer Swimming Safety

Every Drowning is Preventable! By Mimi Conner To keep your family safe in, on and around water, follow these simple water-safety guidelines: The first place to look when a child goes missing is anywhere where there might be water —…

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From the President’s Pen

I’ve been giving much consideration and thought lately to children and teens with autism who are verbal, academically capable, and generally able to function in general education. I know that many people including parents of other children on the spectrum…

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